Focused on promoting African Enterprise

Urban Myth
| Genre
Fantasy / Crime
| Type
Sandbox / Sim videogame
| Year
| OST | Urban mix radio
Just a typical day in the mythical neighbourhood.
Enter Labyrinth -- a city filled with all the magic and myth of folklore and fairytales. And riddled with the very real existential dread of the 5-day work week, rush-hour traffic, rent payments, rival gangs and that damn neighbour that just won't shut up @ 2 AM.
Oh yeah, and a crime lord who controls the city, the very fabric of time, and is hellbent on reminding the denizens that in Labyrinth: No one lives, and no one dies.
Urban Myth is a wild, urban fantasy story that will be develop into an sandbox / city simulator videogame that let's the player experience the wonderful city of Labyrinth firsthand.